Learning Ladder Montessori School Staff Handbook
Welcome to Learning Ladder Montessori School.
We are delighted to have you as a part of the Learning Ladder Team. The employee handbook has been compiled to provide important information about our school policies, programmes, work rules and professional ethics. You are strongly advised to read the handbook thoroughly so that you will have a better understanding of your role at the school. Should you have questions at any time about our procedures or policies, please speak with the School Administrator.
It is our believe that transparency and clear/open communication in dealing with personnel minimizes misunderstandings.
Learning Ladder Montessori School strives for the highest quality and excellence through engagement of dedicated workforce, while its outstanding Staff are committed to meeting the grooming needs of our children.
We look forward to a continuing and mutually rewarding professional relationship, in an environment that promotes educational excellence.
Together we can make a difference in the life of each child.
Yours sincerely
School Director
We are delighted to have you as a part of the Learning Ladder Team. The employee handbook has been compiled to provide important information about our school policies, programmes, work rules and professional ethics. You are strongly advised to read the handbook thoroughly so that you will have a better understanding of your role at the school. Should you have questions at any time about our procedures or policies, please speak with the School Administrator.
It is our believe that transparency and clear/open communication in dealing with personnel minimizes misunderstandings.
Learning Ladder Montessori School strives for the highest quality and excellence through engagement of dedicated workforce, while its outstanding Staff are committed to meeting the grooming needs of our children.
We look forward to a continuing and mutually rewarding professional relationship, in an environment that promotes educational excellence.
Together we can make a difference in the life of each child.
Yours sincerely
School Director
Who Are We?
Learning Ladder Montessori School is a community of children, parents, teachers and staff, dedicated to the joyful discovery of each child’s innate capabilities and potential. We provide a warm, supportive and personalized environment for children from infant through sixth grade.
We inspire each child to become a lifelong learner.
Working with ardent zeal to achieve a prepared environment for an all-round development of the child by making them independent and self-motivated.
• Christian values • Self-motivation • Empathy • Respect • Leadership
Infant Centre (3 months – 18 months) Toddler’s House(18 months – 3 years) Children’s House(3 years – 5years) Elementary (5 years – 11 years)
(I) Employment Policies
All employees are subject to the rules, regulations and conditions of employment as outlined in this document while any additional instruction to be given or already laid down by the management of Learning Ladder Montessori School from time to time and duly notified, shall form the conditions of their service with the Institution.
The under listed rules and regulations affect
all employees (Administrative, Teaching and Janitorial staff) of Learning
Ladder Montessori School and shall be enforced at all times.
While on the School premises, employees must not.
Consume alcoholic drinks
Gamble in any form
Use of drugs and intoxicating substance
Engage in physical aggression
Engage in verbal aggression
Sleep on duty
Cause disorder or impede the work of other employees
Use violence or threaten or intimidate fellow employees, parents or children
Engage in malicious mischief including defacing of the wall, fixtures and fittings of the school premises or wilful destruction of any school property
Use school materials or property for personal projects
Falsify any school records, reports and other statistics
Commit Fraud, steal or conspire to steal any property/funds of the school, another employee, parent or child
Harbour a disease or condition which may endanger others and refrain from communicating this information to the relevant school authorities
Engage in any form of sexually explicit behaviour within the school premises or anywhere close to the pupils
While on the School premises, employees must not.
The greatest lessons you will ever teach the children in your environment is the behaviour you model to them. They would emulate whatever behaviour you model to them more than any words you will ever say to them. Every member of staff should therefore endeavour to display a character worthy of emulation by the children at all times bearing in mind that the children are always watching and learning.
All employments with Learning Ladder are subject to an initial 3-12 months probationary period, depending on the grade and class of employee. Confirmation of employment is subject to receipt by management, of satisfactory references, satisfactory behaviour and performance during the probationary period.
A letter of confirmation will be issued after the period of probation.
Depending on enrolments, staffing needs or other reasons, staff may be reassigned to work with different groups of children or classes. Although the school makes its best effort to provide continuity with minimal changes, reassignment may sometimes occur.
An employee may be deployed to serve in a position other than that in which he/her was originally assigned at employment whenever it becomes necessary for the management to redeploy the services of the staff in a different department.
A letter of confirmation will be issued after the period of probation.
Depending on enrolments, staffing needs or other reasons, staff may be reassigned to work with different groups of children or classes. Although the school makes its best effort to provide continuity with minimal changes, reassignment may sometimes occur.
An employee may be deployed to serve in a position other than that in which he/her was originally assigned at employment whenever it becomes necessary for the management to redeploy the services of the staff in a different department.
Every Staff shall be issued a staff identity card on joining the school which he/she must display on his/her person during every school special event. Should a staff member loose his/her I.D card, a new one shall be issued and the cost deducted from the employee’s salary.
Employees who have worked with the school for at least 18 consecutive months on a full- time basis are entitled to 50 per cent of their monthly salary during their maternity leave. Eligible employees can take up to 3months maternity leave, which could be before or after due date.
Note that any extra time off beyond the approved 3 months leave would be without pay. Any employee who is yet to put in 18 consecutive months on a full-time basis is entitled to proceed for maternity leave but without pay.
To apply for maternity leave, the employee must write a letter at least, two months in advance to the School Administrator prior to taking the maternity leave.
The letter should state the reason for the leave, the beginning and end dates of the leave. It is the responsibility of the employee to inform the management of Learning Ladder of her confirmed pregnancy and to provide a doctor’s certificate indicating that she is fit enough to work.
Note that any extra time off beyond the approved 3 months leave would be without pay. Any employee who is yet to put in 18 consecutive months on a full-time basis is entitled to proceed for maternity leave but without pay.
To apply for maternity leave, the employee must write a letter at least, two months in advance to the School Administrator prior to taking the maternity leave.
The letter should state the reason for the leave, the beginning and end dates of the leave. It is the responsibility of the employee to inform the management of Learning Ladder of her confirmed pregnancy and to provide a doctor’s certificate indicating that she is fit enough to work.
Staff on full time employment will receive a 30% remission on tuition only, for their children who are enrolled at Learning Ladder Montessori School. Enrolment fees, enhancement programme fees, uniforms and all other payments will be paid in full.
A base line structure is maintained for all new staff based on experience and qualification. Bonuses and pay increases are earned based on individual performance.
The school will endeavour to deposit staff remuneration into their accounts by the close of day of the last Friday of the month. If you require a printed pay-slip for any particular month, please inform the school accountant.
Employees who have worked with the school for two calendar years, after confirmation may apply for a loan facility. Loan approval is at the discretion of the management. The maximum amount accessible by staff member is two times of the staff monthly salary. The repayment plan must recognize that staff member’s monthly take home is not less than 33% of her normal monthly salary. Other terms of repayment/deduction will be discussed and agreed with the approving authority upon granting such facility. Also note that another member of Learning Ladder staff should stand in for you as a guarantor.
Employees are entitled to 70% of their salary during school holidays.
During some holidays, the school organizes some programme for both its students and outsiders. At such times, the school demands participation of her staff members. Work roasters will be created to ensure that every staff get time off during the holiday window. Participating staff members are entitled to their full salaries within the holiday.
Salary information is highly confidential and must not be discussed with other employees. Management has the right to terminate your employment without notice if this confidentiality is not maintained.
The Learning Ladder community expects the highest level of discretion by staff and parents in regard to confidential information or personal data of the children and their families. Confidentiality is connected to integrity.
Parents will only be allowed access to information concerning their own child. You may not divulge another child/family information to any parent.
In addition, as a result of your employment at Learning Ladder, you may acquire and have access to confidential information belonging to Learning Ladder of a special and unique nature and value relating to such matters as Learning Ladder’s financial information, data and records. As a condition of employment, the school asks that you agree that all such information is the exclusive property of Learning Ladder and that you will not at any time divulge or disclose to anyone, expect in the responsible exercise of your job.
In addition, as a result of your employment at Learning Ladder, you may acquire and have access to confidential information belonging to Learning Ladder of a special and unique nature and value relating to such matters as Learning Ladder’s financial information, data and records. As a condition of employment, the school asks that you agree that all such information is the exclusive property of Learning Ladder and that you will not at any time divulge or disclose to anyone, expect in the responsible exercise of your job.
It is mandatory for every member of staff to attend every school event as well as adhering to rules pertaining to the dress code for such events. Note that some events will be scheduled for Saturdays. Parents need to see the entire staff working as a team. It is therefore important that you attend and participate in school events. Consequences may occur if failed to comply.
School-owned materials: All materials donated by parents, NGO’s, libraries, organizations or other schools etc., are the property of Learning Ladder Montessori School. Any materials donated to a class remain the property of the school.
Teacher-Directed materials: In an instance where a staff member with the school’s support, facilities, or resources produces materials, processes or inventions, the ownership of the materials, processes or inventions belongs to the school. Also, projects developed for LLM sponsored presentation become part of the school’s resource file.
Teacher-Directed materials: In an instance where a staff member with the school’s support, facilities, or resources produces materials, processes or inventions, the ownership of the materials, processes or inventions belongs to the school. Also, projects developed for LLM sponsored presentation become part of the school’s resource file.
Staff is expected to be present and ready to begin work on time each day. Breakfast should be eaten at home or in the kitchen prior to assigned resumption time.
Resumption time daily is 7.00am. Employees who resumes after the above stated time will have their pay docked. Lateness due to reasonable cause may be pardoned but frequent incidents of unexcused lateness may result in suspension without pay or to employment termination.
Employees will have their pay docked if their sick/personal days exceed the allotted time off.
Resumption time daily is 7.00am. Employees who resumes after the above stated time will have their pay docked. Lateness due to reasonable cause may be pardoned but frequent incidents of unexcused lateness may result in suspension without pay or to employment termination.
Employees will have their pay docked if their sick/personal days exceed the allotted time off.
In the event of illness, one must call the relevant authorities no later than 6:30AM.
Under some circumstances, absence on your part may be excused, but only if you give proper notice of such a problem before the resumption time. The School needs advance notice of attendance problems so that other arrangements can be made to cover your absence, if necessary. “Proper notice” means that you call the following in this order: the school Administrator. In the absence of the school Administrator, please call the school Director unless a verifiable emergency makes it impossible for you to do so. And if so please provide medical cover.
Under no circumstances should an employee call in and leave a message or take permission with a co-worker or someone else that is not the above mentioned.
Being absent from duty without intimation will be treated as lack of seriousness towards the job of the person. Unauthorized absenteeism will attract penalty or deduction from your salary.
Every time off request must be communicated to the Administrator in writing at least 2 weeks before the intended day off. Only in emergency situations should less notice be given.
Employees will have their pay docked if they exceed the authorised time off.
In the absence of a staff, Substitutes will be arranged by the Administrator. Teachers may offer suggestions of substitutes, but may not make arrangements without Administrative consent.
Staff leaving the School premises during school Hours (any time between 7am and 4pm) must first obtain a permit from the Administrator. Permission would only be granted for important reasons. Staff should therefore schedule personal appointments outside school hours.
Under some circumstances, absence on your part may be excused, but only if you give proper notice of such a problem before the resumption time. The School needs advance notice of attendance problems so that other arrangements can be made to cover your absence, if necessary. “Proper notice” means that you call the following in this order: the school Administrator. In the absence of the school Administrator, please call the school Director unless a verifiable emergency makes it impossible for you to do so. And if so please provide medical cover.
Under no circumstances should an employee call in and leave a message or take permission with a co-worker or someone else that is not the above mentioned.
Being absent from duty without intimation will be treated as lack of seriousness towards the job of the person. Unauthorized absenteeism will attract penalty or deduction from your salary.
Every time off request must be communicated to the Administrator in writing at least 2 weeks before the intended day off. Only in emergency situations should less notice be given.
Employees will have their pay docked if they exceed the authorised time off.
In the absence of a staff, Substitutes will be arranged by the Administrator. Teachers may offer suggestions of substitutes, but may not make arrangements without Administrative consent.
Staff leaving the School premises during school Hours (any time between 7am and 4pm) must first obtain a permit from the Administrator. Permission would only be granted for important reasons. Staff should therefore schedule personal appointments outside school hours.
Attendance and punctuality are key factors in your job performance. Punctuality and regular attendance is expected of all employees. Excessive absences (whether excused or unexcused), tardiness or closing early is unacceptable. If you will be absent for any reason or plan to arrive late or leave early, you must notify the School Administrator as far in advance as possible and no later than one hour before the start of your scheduled work day.
An employee may be dismissed with/without notice when he/she:Does not maintain the school standards as stated in the employee handbook or any other relevant codes of ethics/information passed by the school.
Does not have satisfactory references
Does not follow the school’s policies and procedures
Places the children at risk
Does not cooperate with the staff in the best interest of the school and the children
Fails to perform the job adequately at any time. On- performance of the job including failure to fulfil the job description, work habits, unacceptable behaviour and violation of policies.
Gives an unsatisfactory job performance during probationary period and thereafter.
Procedure for termination of employment:
The process as outlined below, serves as a guide only. The Board of Directors of Learning Ladder Education Center may sometimes bypass this procedure depending on the severity of offence.
Verbal warning
Written warning
Written warning with salary deduction
Suspension without pay
An employee may be dismissed with/without notice when he/she:
Procedure for termination of employment:
The process as outlined below, serves as a guide only. The Board of Directors of Learning Ladder Education Center may sometimes bypass this procedure depending on the severity of offence.
Layoffs may result from budget reduction, programme changes, decreased student enrolment, financial emergencies, reorganization or other factors as administration determines. The school retains the right to reduce its workforce either temporarily or permanently as a last resort when other alternatives fail.
Employees are required to give at least one month notice to management should they decide to resign their employment with the school. This includes staff on internship.
Members of staff are expected to commit to the completion of the school term. This means that you may not resign during the course of the term. This is to enable management find a suitable replacement for your position. A month salary will be forfeited in lieu of notice.
A Letter must be submitted in writing indicating the last day of employment. School property including all classroom materials must remain or be returned to the school before the final salary deposit is made to the employee’s account.
This handbook including staff Identity card, T-shirts and any other property of Learning Ladder Education Center in your possession must be returned upon termination.
Members of staff are expected to commit to the completion of the school term. This means that you may not resign during the course of the term. This is to enable management find a suitable replacement for your position. A month salary will be forfeited in lieu of notice.
A Letter must be submitted in writing indicating the last day of employment. School property including all classroom materials must remain or be returned to the school before the final salary deposit is made to the employee’s account.
This handbook including staff Identity card, T-shirts and any other property of Learning Ladder Education Center in your possession must be returned upon termination.
The appearance of employees is a direct reflection and a first impression on the level of professionalism at the school. Every employee of Learning Ladder is expected to dress in a manner that portrays professionalism at all times. A staff dress code is in effect with these basic guidelines:
Allowed:Smart shirts or blouses
Dresses with moderate length
Closed toe shoes (Teaching and Janitorial staff)
For the protection and safety of the children’s feet, shoes with pencil heels within the classroom are prohibited
Not allowed:Tube tops or midriffs
Halter or Tank tops
Spaghetti tops
Low-cut revealing tops
T-Shirts (except on Fridays)
Short or tight skirts
Jeans (except on Fridays)
Jogging suits/sweat pants
Excessively long fingernails
Bright or wild colours of nail polish
Visible tattoos or body piercings
Scarves, hats, face caps
All administrative staff is required to dress in professional clothes and shoes. A Polished and professional image should be exhibited at all times.
Janitorial staff should wear branded Learning Ladder shirts and closed toe shoes.
All clothing should be clean, pressed and in good condition. Good hygiene practices should be followed.
Please note: every last Friday of the month, every member of staff is required to dress in the school’s branded T-shirt on Jeans. This is mandatory and failure to comply will attract a fine.
Not allowed:
All administrative staff is required to dress in professional clothes and shoes. A Polished and professional image should be exhibited at all times.
Janitorial staff should wear branded Learning Ladder shirts and closed toe shoes.
All clothing should be clean, pressed and in good condition. Good hygiene practices should be followed.
Please note: every last Friday of the month, every member of staff is required to dress in the school’s branded T-shirt on Jeans. This is mandatory and failure to comply will attract a fine.
There are special forms for turning in maintenance requests. Should you need any supplies in your classroom or you need an appliance fixed, request for a maintenance form from the Facility Officer. The directress or her assistant should fill out the order. It should be signed by the class teacher and the facility personnel receiving it.
Personal phones must be turned off or put on silent mode. They are not to be used during work hours.
Ringing cell phones disrupt class activities and distract the teacher as well.
Harassment of any employee for any reason will not be tolerated. The school does not allow vulgar, abusive, humiliating or threatening language, demeaning jokes or other inappropriate behaviours in the workplace. If you have any grievances, please settle it through dialogue or report to the school authorities.
Adults should ensure that the following are adhered to:
Any child may use any exercise or activity on the shelf as long as he/she uses it with respect, and as long as the exercise is appropriate for that child (if the teacher has presented the lesson to the child).
No child may disturb others while they are working
A Child takes materials he/her wishes to use on a rug or table appropriate to the activity. The child defines his/her work area with a rug on the floor. Keep all pieces of an exercise on the rug.
After using the materials, the child returns the material to the shelf in a suitable condition.
The child cleans up his/her own work place.
No child may touch the work, or interfere with the work of another child.
A child may join one other child with a piece of work only if she is invited and permitted by the teacher.
Children are not forced to join group activities unless the activities are required or of utmost importance. This Rule, of course, is subject to the teacher’s discretion.
Always maintain an accurate count of the children under your supervision during work period, outdoor activities, meal times as well as during field trips. Use the roll book or write down children’s names. This helps you know when a child is missing or when you are out of ratio.
Other Montessori Guidelines:
Greeting: Children, parents and fellow staff members are greeted each day. Always remember respect is one of our core principles.
Sitting on the floor: Sit Indian style, leg crossed and hands kept within the crossed legs.
Quiet voices: Always talk quietly in the classroom. If you need to talk to someone, you must go up to that person. When at their side, get their attention according to classroom practices, say ‘Excuse me’, and then proceed.
Walk quietly: While walking within the classroom, use indoor steps that are quiet and cannot be heard.
Work rugs: Never step on a rug that is in use. Always walk around rugs.
Chair procedure: The child always tucks his or her chair under the table each time he/she gets up. Work stays on the table until the chair is pushed in. A lifting motion can be used to keep the chair from making noise.
Carrying procedures: Always use two hands when carrying the trays, rugs, mats, and chairs. Carry one piece of material at a time. Keep hands free of pencils, napkins, paper, etc. when carrying materials to the workspace.
Other Montessori Guidelines:
Greeting: Children, parents and fellow staff members are greeted each day. Always remember respect is one of our core principles.
Sitting on the floor: Sit Indian style, leg crossed and hands kept within the crossed legs.
Quiet voices: Always talk quietly in the classroom. If you need to talk to someone, you must go up to that person. When at their side, get their attention according to classroom practices, say ‘Excuse me’, and then proceed.
Walk quietly: While walking within the classroom, use indoor steps that are quiet and cannot be heard.
Work rugs: Never step on a rug that is in use. Always walk around rugs.
Chair procedure: The child always tucks his or her chair under the table each time he/she gets up. Work stays on the table until the chair is pushed in. A lifting motion can be used to keep the chair from making noise.
Carrying procedures: Always use two hands when carrying the trays, rugs, mats, and chairs. Carry one piece of material at a time. Keep hands free of pencils, napkins, paper, etc. when carrying materials to the workspace.
Items which have been found without names should be kept at the reception area.
Birthdays are to be celebrated moderately. Birthdays are celebrated with the traditional birthday walk around the sun. Always request for a few pictures from the celebrant’s parents showing earlier stages in the life of the child. Parents or other family member who want to be present for the birthday walk can come in. Birthdays usually start at 11am and must be completed at 11.25 am at the latest. Where parents cannot attend, the class teacher should have pictures taken and sent to the parents (soft copies only) at the close of school. Celebrants must dress in the regular school uniform for that day. (No mufti please)
Parents may bring in only the following items for birthday celebrations and these are all optional:A cake
Books to share to friends and/or a book to donate to the School library
Please note that Balloons, party hats, confetti, party packs, banners, and other party favours are prohibited. These items must be sent back to the admin department for return to the parents.
Half of the birthday cake is usually sent home at the end of the day. Adhere strictly to such instructions. NEVER assume the entire cake is for consumption in school except the parents of the child says otherwise.
Parents may bring in only the following items for birthday celebrations and these are all optional:
Please note that Balloons, party hats, confetti, party packs, banners, and other party favours are prohibited. These items must be sent back to the admin department for return to the parents.
Half of the birthday cake is usually sent home at the end of the day. Adhere strictly to such instructions. NEVER assume the entire cake is for consumption in school except the parents of the child says otherwise.
Turn on all the lights
Turn on at least one Air Conditioner in the classroom provided that there is adequate power supply.
Check the classroom and playground for safety. Remove or draw the attention of management to anything in the environment that may pose a threat to the children or adults in the environment.
CLOSINGShut all doors
Ensure all taps are turned off
Turn off the Air Conditioners
Turn off the lights and every socket switch
Ensure all the windows are closed
Lock the main door
Any employee expressing a complaint relating to an activity, or school’s personnel policies is encouraged to discuss the matter with the School Administrator/School Director. This compliant must be submitted in writing immediately after the alleged violation occurred. Any person(s) involved in the alleged violation will be interviewed along with the third party who has relevant information.
Designated adults will be available to receive children from their cars between 7:00a.m and 7:40a.m. The children stay in the play area until 7.40 am when they proceed to their classes. Certain staff members will be assigned to watch the children during this period.
Teachers should avoid conversing unnecessarily with parents in the morning during drive-through. Briefly greet a parent with a friendly smile and give the necessary reassurances. Refrain from entering into any lengthy conversation during this time. If a parent has questions or issues to discuss, direct them to the relevant authority or schedule a meeting for a more suitable time when you can take a break or at dismissal time.
In the mornings, children on the playground are instructed to line up at 7:30 am. However, they proceed to their classes at 7.40. Other children arriving at that time will join the line.
The staff assigned to drive-through may leave the drive-through area for their classes at 8:00am. Children arriving after this time are considered tardy and should be taken to their classes by their parents/guardians.
Children are to transfer their lunches from their lunch boxes/bags to the refrigerator if need be as soon as they get to the classroom.
The children should be ready for dismissal at 1.50 pm. The parents are to pick them from the pick-up area while those for enhancement programmes or other after school activity will proceed to the designated places. You should have first-hand information of where each child in your class is expected to be at every given time. You should be able to give account of every child under your care until they leave the school premises.
Please note:
At dismissal, only release a child to an adult who presents the child’s pick-up card. However, having a pick up card is not an automatic authorization for a child’s release. If a stranger presents the pick-up card, politely ask the stranger to give you time to confirm from the parents. (Even when the child seems to be familiar with the stranger). If you cannot reach any of the parents, please ask admin for help. Remember, the children’s safety is of utmost importance.
Please note:
At dismissal, only release a child to an adult who presents the child’s pick-up card. However, having a pick up card is not an automatic authorization for a child’s release. If a stranger presents the pick-up card, politely ask the stranger to give you time to confirm from the parents. (Even when the child seems to be familiar with the stranger). If you cannot reach any of the parents, please ask admin for help. Remember, the children’s safety is of utmost importance.
Each class may slightly vary the schedule to best suit the needs of their class; however, the following activities should be included on a daily basis:
Group Time songs, dramatic play, readings, story-telling, group games, movement games, science and cultural unit activities, lessons in social graces, reviewing of ground rules and community responsibilities. Time allotted should be at least 10 minutes but no than 30 minutes.
Work period – self-directed and guided work time with the Montessori materials (for pre-schoolers).
Snack time
Outdoor Activities – free-play, group movement, games, gardening.
Clean-up – the children should be encouraged to maintain the classrooms.
Rest Time – children under 3 years have time allocated for nap every school day. The parents should be notified when there is a change to their child’s routine.
Show and Tell – teachers set the show and tell policies and schedules for their class.
Lunchtime can be a challenging transition time. Adults are encouraged to plan and consistently follow through with lunchtime procedures. The procedures should include the following:
Group Time songs, dramatic play, readings, story-telling, group games, movement games, science and cultural unit activities, lessons in social graces, reviewing of ground rules and community responsibilities. Time allotted should be at least 10 minutes but no than 30 minutes.
Work period – self-directed and guided work time with the Montessori materials (for pre-schoolers).
Snack time
Outdoor Activities – free-play, group movement, games, gardening.
Clean-up – the children should be encouraged to maintain the classrooms.
Rest Time – children under 3 years have time allocated for nap every school day. The parents should be notified when there is a change to their child’s routine.
Show and Tell – teachers set the show and tell policies and schedules for their class.
Lunchtime can be a challenging transition time. Adults are encouraged to plan and consistently follow through with lunchtime procedures. The procedures should include the following:
- Hand-washing
- Child sets food out on placemat and removes lunchbox from the table. Child sits down and waits until all children are seated. When all children are seated, they may eat.
- Children should stay in their place during lunch
- Children may talk quietly only to the children sitting at their table
- After eating, the children should be responsible for washing their hands and cleaning up their area. Each day different ones may be chosen as helpers to complete chores.
- Lunch Coordinators/teachers should sit down with the class. They may eat their own lunch modelling appropriate eating habits. Children should be expected to say “please”, “excuse me” and “thank you” (grace and courtesy)
- Lunch Coordinators/teachers should encourage children to eat the main portion of lunch first. No food should be thrown away. Whatever is not eaten should go home in the sealed containers in the lunchbox.
- Lunch Coordinator/teacher will need to check the child’s place when they are finished cleaning.
- Coordinators/teacher will need to plan a story or activities for children when they are finished eating. No child should play or run around the room. Children should be expected to leave the lunchroom in a quiet, orderly fashion prepared to go outside for recess, nap or work period as the case may be.
During auxiliary classes such as Art, French, ICT and Music, Ballet etc. it is imperative that staff ratio be maintained. This is not an unscheduled break time for the teaching staff. It is important for teachers/adults to ensure that Montessori guidelines and ethics also apply at these periods.
Teachers are expected to spend at least one hour per day in classroom preparation, planning, record keeping, maintenance of materials and meeting with each other to discuss class procedures, strategies etc. The teachers may schedule these in any combination of time after school.
One of the most important aspects of a teacher’s preparation is the preparation of the inner spirit. The attitudes of the adults in the environment strongly affect the overall tone of the classroom. No matter how hard it may be, NEVER allow your mood from home determine your attitude or your countenance for the day. Leave your worries at the LLM gate in the mornings. You can share your burdens with a trusted colleague after dismissal.
Read both professional and pleasurable literature that will inspire the child within you. Share ideas and consult with other faculty members. Make sure you get plenty of rest and take care of your health. Before class and occasionally as needed, take a moment and orient yourself. And don’t forget to smile!
One of the most important aspects of a teacher’s preparation is the preparation of the inner spirit. The attitudes of the adults in the environment strongly affect the overall tone of the classroom. No matter how hard it may be, NEVER allow your mood from home determine your attitude or your countenance for the day. Leave your worries at the LLM gate in the mornings. You can share your burdens with a trusted colleague after dismissal.
Read both professional and pleasurable literature that will inspire the child within you. Share ideas and consult with other faculty members. Make sure you get plenty of rest and take care of your health. Before class and occasionally as needed, take a moment and orient yourself. And don’t forget to smile!
Members of Management will visit classrooms periodically to observe and evaluate the staff. A formal evaluation will be completed periodically and placed in the teachers file. Staff members will also be asked to do a periodic self-evaluation.
The prepared environment is one of the key concepts in the Montessori philosophy of education. It is the responsibility of the teachers to set up and maintain a beautiful child friendly environment.
The environment should be beautiful, inviting and set up in a way that ensures the child’s comfort. Most importantly, a prepared environment must meet the developmental needs of the children.
The environment should be beautiful, inviting and set up in a way that ensures the child’s comfort. Most importantly, a prepared environment must meet the developmental needs of the children.
Classroom arrangement is the responsibility of the teachers. Management reserves the right to make suggestions. The room should be arranged with the child in mind, ensuring safety and success.
Remember, a cluttered environment is an obstacle to learning.
Remember, a cluttered environment is an obstacle to learning.
One cannot expect the children to keep the environment orderly if the adults do not first set up the environment with order and then maintain it. The teachers are responsible for maintaining the materials and shelves. Weekly dusting will be necessary to keep them clean. The administrator should be notified when materials need repair or replacement. Do not keep broken or incomplete materials on the shelf. Such should be removed from the shelf as soon as it is noticed. The floors and the entire environment should be kept clean at all times.
Children should be encouraged to do minor cleaning of their class. Tables should be wiped and chairs placed on the tables at the end of each school day.
Children should be encouraged to do minor cleaning of their class. Tables should be wiped and chairs placed on the tables at the end of each school day.
The janitors will thoroughly clean bathrooms at the end of each day. However, the adults in the classroom should ensure the restrooms are in a condition suitable for use at all times. The restrooms should be checked frequently for any mess. Teachers should also check daily for availability of soap, toilet paper, water and towels.
Check daily and keep updated. Discard information which is outdated. Keep the bulletin boards tidy and attractive to capture attention. Use decorative borders.
Work cubbies should be numbered and a chart displaying number with corresponding names should be placed beside the work cubby. All paperwork should be placed in the Child’s folder while books are to be kept in the cubby.
Decorations may be displayed in the classroom two weeks prior to the holiday.
Lay all wet/damp Art work on the drying racks. They should be spaced out to avoid smudging. To enhance the children’s interest and appreciation for Art, every piece of Art must be treated with respect and treasured.
All staff members must be responsible for the common areas used by the entire staff.
These areas include: kitchen, resource areas, meeting rooms etc.
A good guiding principle is to:
“Always leave a place better than you met it”
These areas include: kitchen, resource areas, meeting rooms etc.
A good guiding principle is to:
“Always leave a place better than you met it”
- Resource Area
Clean up all material when completing projects in the resource area. Do not leave paper scraps or unwanted copies. If you are taking the last of something, replenish it or put it on the supplies needed list. Only designated staff may use the laminator, copier and Printer. If you are having difficulty with a machine, don’t force it, GET HELP. Please note that these machines are only for work related use. They may not be used for personal purposes.
You may not remove any book or file or remove pages from any binder except prior permission has been obtained from the administrator. Every item borrowed must be signed in and out. - Telephone
Staff may not use the school phone to make or receive personal calls. Cell phone may not be used in the classroom and should be turned off.
In the absence of an administrative staff, any teaching staff nearest to the phone may answer the phone. Calls must be handled in a courteous and professional manner.
Answer phone calls in this manner: “Good afternoon. Learning Ladder Montessori School. How may I help you?”
Take the message and answer questions professionally. Write the information on a message pad.
Reassure the caller by stating “I’ll deliver the message” or whatever is appropriate. Last words should be “thank you for calling”.
Emergency messages should be transmitted immediately.
If the caller wants information about the school, tell them that the Admin coordinator is unable to take their call at this time, but will be glad to call them back and answer their questions. Take their name and phone number. This information must be given to the Admin coordinator. Please do not attempt to answer the question.
Please help keep our school grounds tidy. Do not leave trash bags, bottles or anything outside your door. Keep all outdoor lessons for your class orderly. Be careful that tools are stored safely. Have your class occasionally pick up litter on the playground.
Make sure you put away any balls or equipment that your class has used.
Make sure you put away any balls or equipment that your class has used.
Learning Ladder is committed to the development of the whole child which of course, includes mind, body and spirit. Teachers should plan coordination games, dance activities, ball games, obstacle courses, etc. The emphasis should be on developing coordination, strength, fine and gross motor skills, the ability to follow directions and cooperation.
Children will be scheduled for music in a large group at least once every week. In addition to this time, the children should have another opportunity to follow up these activities during regular work cycles.
Teachers are responsible for integrating music into the curriculum. Children should be exposed to a variety of music styles and composers. Music from other countries should be played as part of cultural activities. Singing should be part of the daily activities for all ages. Rhythm songs and games should be rotated from room to room, to give the children an opportunity to create their own music.
Teachers are responsible for integrating music into the curriculum. Children should be exposed to a variety of music styles and composers. Music from other countries should be played as part of cultural activities. Singing should be part of the daily activities for all ages. Rhythm songs and games should be rotated from room to room, to give the children an opportunity to create their own music.
The French teacher will spend time in each preschool and elementary class. He will work with small group of children during work time and will do line time activities as well. Teachers should familiarize themselves with these materials and the French songs so that you can follow through with French activities all through the week.
Children embark on a field trip once every term. These trips must be enriching to the children and further enhance their learning experience in the classroom. Teachers can suggest locations to the Administrator that fall in line with the themes or concepts studied in the cultural subjects.
The school will usually send consent slips home at least one week in advance of all field trips. No child may go on a field trip except the parents have given their consent. Verbal consent is not acceptable. It must be via the consent slip. This must be signed by a parent.
Please follow these procedures:
Take a head count before you leave, during the trip and as often as possible throughout the entire outing.
Put a name tag on each child.
Take the emergency phone numbers.
A member of staff trained in First Aid must accompany the children on the trip. He/she must have the first aid kit close at hand.
Keep the group together.
Keep the children who require special attention close to the teacher.
Call the school if you will be late returning.
The school will usually send consent slips home at least one week in advance of all field trips. No child may go on a field trip except the parents have given their consent. Verbal consent is not acceptable. It must be via the consent slip. This must be signed by a parent.
Please follow these procedures:
- First Aid and CPR Classes
Teachers are encouraged to take the First-Aid for children and the CPR course. Please give the Administrator a copy of your certification card if you possess on. - Safety Precautions
The safety of our children is one of our priorities. It is the responsibility of every staff member to keep the children safe at all times. Please do a safety check of your class on a regular basis. Be vigilant and always look out for things that are potential hazards in the environment.
- Make sure cleaning products are put away.
- Watch out for pointed edges.
- Clean up broken glass for the child.
- Always look over the playground when you first go out to be sure it is safe.
- Look out for open gates, tools that were left out, broken playground equipment, etc.
- Electrical or other types of cables must be placed so that no one may trip over them.
- Wipe up small/large spills with a sponge or mop immediately.
- Accident procedures
When a child is injured, these procedures should be follows:- Go to the child quickly and try to calm him/her.
- Take the child to the Health room.
- Call for a first aid or CPR certified teacher if needed.
- Do not move the child if injury is of a serious nature. Ask another staff member for help immediately.
- Call administration if injury is serious.
- The school nurse must fill out an incident report for every accident/incident
- Medical conditions/Sickness procedure
Children may not remain at school if they are exhibiting any symptoms of a contagious disease. As contained in the parent handbook, children will be sent home if they exhibit symptoms of any such disease.
Please draw the attention of the School Nurse for all health related issues. Do not jump into any conclusions.
Symptoms requiring the attention of the Nurse:
- Child’s body feels unusually warm
- Pinkish/reddish looking eyes with discharge
- Sore throat, rash, vomiting, diarrhoea, earache, irritability or confusion.
- Diarrhoea: runny, watery, bloody stools, or 2 or more loose stools within last 4 hours.
- Vomiting.
- Breathing trouble, swollen gland, loss of voice, hacking or continuous coughing.
- Runny nose (other than clear), darning eyes or ears.
- Frequent scratching of body or scalp, lice, rash or any other spots that resemble measles or chicken pox
- Child is irritable, continuously crying or requires more attention than we can provide without hurting the health, safety or well-being of the other children in our care.
Parents will sometimes send in medications needed by the child. Written authorization is needed for us to administer ANY medication. Under no circumstance, should a teacher administer drug to a child. It is the responsibility of the Nurse who may sometimes delegate this duty to the admin coordinator where it is not possible for the Nurse to administer such drug.
If any medication comes to school in a child’s bag, it must be sent to the admin office immediately and the Admin coordinator or administrator will call the parents.
For children who are on pickup/drop off services, Drug authorisation forms will be sent home from time to time. Some will be left in the school bus. If needed, please the bus attendant.
If any medication comes to school in a child’s bag, it must be sent to the admin office immediately and the Admin coordinator or administrator will call the parents.
For children who are on pickup/drop off services, Drug authorisation forms will be sent home from time to time. Some will be left in the school bus. If needed, please the bus attendant.
Fire Drills will take place once every term. Please discuss fire drill procedures with your class. Explain how to leave, where to go and why it is important to practice. Do a practice on your own. Discuss alternative escape routes.
- Evacuate all children. Check restrooms, kitchen, workroom and other “hidden” areas for children before leaving. Take attendance records with you to call and check off names after evacuation.
- Wait for additional instructions from the Director or other person of authority which may include fire Marshalls.
- Children should remain calm and organized while waiting for the “OK” to return to the building.
Learning Ladder is dedicated to a philosophy of respect for the child. Behavioural difficulties must be handled with care. Use a positive approach with an emphasis on redirecting and helping the child learn appropriate problem-solving skills. Always keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to develop the child’s inner discipline. The following DO’S and DON’T’S must be adhered to when dealing with behavioural issues:
*Never deal with the child when you are angry. If at any time you know that your level of anger is such that may lead you into doing something regrettable, ask your co-teacher or your assistant to step in and deal with the situation while you try to calm yourself as soon as possible.
*Never use physical force on a child! No hitting, spanking, shaking the child, squeezing the arm, grabbing, etc.
*Never yell at a child. Maintain a calm demeanour at all times *Do not speak to a child in a demeaning or disrespectful way bearing in mind that respect is reciprocal.
*Do not punish the entire class for the actions of one or a few. *Avoid power struggles
*Redirect children when possible. A busy child absorbed in activities will not cause problems.
*Only remove a child from class in extreme situations. Make sure the child is within your view.
*Children should only be sent to the office as a last resort in very extreme situations or when behaviour is constantly reoccurring.
*Consult with the Administrator when having persistent difficulty with a child.
*Document unusual behaviour.
*keep in communication with parents of children with challenging behaviours with the consent of the school Administrator or Director.
*Find opportunities to encourage the children who have behavioural problems and assign them responsibilities. This enhances their self-esteem.
Procedure for extreme behavioural difficulties:
We cannot allow one child’s behaviour to consistently disrupt the class and frustrate the teachers. When a teacher has tried all appropriate techniques and behaviour is not improving, the following actions may be necessary.
*Never deal with the child when you are angry. If at any time you know that your level of anger is such that may lead you into doing something regrettable, ask your co-teacher or your assistant to step in and deal with the situation while you try to calm yourself as soon as possible.
*Never use physical force on a child! No hitting, spanking, shaking the child, squeezing the arm, grabbing, etc.
*Never yell at a child. Maintain a calm demeanour at all times *Do not speak to a child in a demeaning or disrespectful way bearing in mind that respect is reciprocal.
*Do not punish the entire class for the actions of one or a few. *Avoid power struggles
*Redirect children when possible. A busy child absorbed in activities will not cause problems.
*Only remove a child from class in extreme situations. Make sure the child is within your view.
*Children should only be sent to the office as a last resort in very extreme situations or when behaviour is constantly reoccurring.
*Consult with the Administrator when having persistent difficulty with a child.
*Document unusual behaviour.
*keep in communication with parents of children with challenging behaviours with the consent of the school Administrator or Director.
*Find opportunities to encourage the children who have behavioural problems and assign them responsibilities. This enhances their self-esteem.
Procedure for extreme behavioural difficulties:
We cannot allow one child’s behaviour to consistently disrupt the class and frustrate the teachers. When a teacher has tried all appropriate techniques and behaviour is not improving, the following actions may be necessary.
- Record your observations and details of the child’s behaviour. The number of incidences before moving on to the next stage is at the discretion of the teacher.
- The teacher may consult with his/her team head for an outside observation. After the team head observes and shares his/her observations, the parent may be called for a conference (the Administrator must be kept informed about any arranged parent conferences)
- Create a plan with the parent. Discuss course of action and various ways of offering support to the child both in school and at home. Always bear in mind that the aim of the conference is to render help to the child and not to report or castigate the child.
- At the end of the established time period, have another conference with the parents to re-evaluate the goal (has it been met, has progress been made, does a new goal need to be set?)
- Repeat steps 2 through 5 as necessary.
A roll book shall be maintained for each class, recording absences and tardiness. A teacher must take roll by 8:30 every day. Make a list of all children not present by 10:00am and send the list to the administrative office.
Each teacher must maintain a record keeping system. The system should record the lessons which have been presented and those which the children continue to work with. It should also include observations on the child. Record keeping is mandatory. It will help the teacher guide the child in developmentally appropriate activities. The record should be turned in to team coordinators weekly.
Regular recording and reviewing children’s activities should help the teachers generate lesson plans. (Lessons to be presented to individuals or small groups).
You can and should take time every day to step back and watch the class. The Montessori system was developed through observation and observation is still the most effective teaching tool you possess.
You will learn something very valuable every time you take yourself out of the mainstream of the class and focus on the children. Record observation of behaviour, social interactions and the child’s interests.
Make sure that any class newsletter or notes that go to the parents are first approved by the Administrator.
Keeping the lines of communication open with the parents require a lot of teacher effort, but is well worth it. Frequent communication will help avoid parental concerns and misunderstandings and will also build trust. It is the teacher’s responsibility to communicate to the parent any difficulties or suspected problems with the child.
Please proof read your note to parents before sending. You can also give your co- teacher to review.
Keeping the lines of communication open with the parents require a lot of teacher effort, but is well worth it. Frequent communication will help avoid parental concerns and misunderstandings and will also build trust. It is the teacher’s responsibility to communicate to the parent any difficulties or suspected problems with the child.
Please proof read your note to parents before sending. You can also give your co- teacher to review.
Periodic notes should be sent home to tell the parents of the achievement of a developmental milestone, the child’s great attitude, or an act of kindness. Don’t just send notes when there are problems. Be sure a copy goes in the file.
A welcome back newsletter should be sent out during the first week of school to inform the parents of your class policies and to formally welcome the children.
A monthly classroom newsletter will go out to parents. These newsletters include tit-bits on the month’s activities, updates on on-going issues and a calendar of upcoming events. Teachers must turn in newsletter information to administration by the 25th day of every month.
Occasional class bulletins may need to be sent out when you want to communicate a special event, unit study, projects, etc.
A monthly classroom newsletter will go out to parents. These newsletters include tit-bits on the month’s activities, updates on on-going issues and a calendar of upcoming events. Teachers must turn in newsletter information to administration by the 25th day of every month.
Occasional class bulletins may need to be sent out when you want to communicate a special event, unit study, projects, etc.
Communication books will be sent home daily for the infants and toddlers while Homework dairy will be sent home daily for the Children’s house and Elementary. This folder will include homework, parent information, and special events notices. Parents are responsible for returning the folders to school before the next time the folders go home.
Conferences will be held three times per session for children at mid- term for the 1st and 2nd term and at year end for the third term. Teachers will need to prepare student evaluations and be ready to discuss child’s work habits, social and academic development and goals for the child.
Teachers may need to call a conference with a child’s parents on occasion and parents may also come in on their own for an informal conference. Please complete a conference form and bring it to the office for the Administrator’s approval.
Teachers may need to call a conference with a child’s parents on occasion and parents may also come in on their own for an informal conference. Please complete a conference form and bring it to the office for the Administrator’s approval.
Parents are encouraged to schedule for observation in the child’s class. When a parent is observing, greet them warmly and make them feel welcome, then go about your work of attending to the class. Do not discuss with a parent who is observing as this may disrupt your work and affect the children’s concentration. If parents have questions, schedule a conference later or arrange to call them at home. Visitors will periodically observe the class as well. Again, welcome them and send them to the administrative office with their questions.
There are Montessori books, educational books, and parenting books and periodicals available in the resource centre for both parents and staff to borrow. Every book must be signed in and out of the resource center.
Involve parents as much as possible during special events like mother’s day, father’s day, Christmas concert etc. Parents may also volunteer to anchor one of the Friday afternoon clubs. Please direct any parent who is willing to volunteer to the admin coordinator for the necessary procedure to be followed. The management reserves the right to amend, add to or delete any of these rules. It must be understood that these rules are not intended to be all inclusive and in no way to relieve an employee from conducting himself properly, regardless of whether or not a specific point is covered by the rules.
This Safeguarding and Child Protection policy applies to all staff, volunteers, interns, pupils or anyone working with Learning Ladder Montessori School.
The purpose of this policy is to:-
- Protect the children committed into our care.
- Provide staff (whether on full time or part time basis) with the principles that guide our approach to safeguarding and protection.
LEARNING LADDER recognizes that:-
- The welfare of the child is paramount as defined by the Child’s Rights Law, 2007,
- All children, regardless of age, disability, gender, religious beliefs, ethnicity, disability or socio-economic background have a right to equal protection from all types of abuse.
- Some children are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, dependency, communication needs or other issues.
- Working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, care givers and other relevant authorities is essential in promoting children’s welfare. LEARNING LADDER will seek to keep children safe by:-
- Valuing them, listening to and protecting them
- Creating an enabling environment to encourage children to develop a positive self-image
- Encouraging children to develop a sense of independence and freedom in a way that is appropriate to their age and stage of development
- Providing a safe and secure environment for all children
- Sharing information about child protection and good practice with children, parents, staff
- Sharing concerns with relevant authorities and involving parents and children appropriately.
- Promoting and prioritizing the safety and well-being of children and young people.
- Ensuring everyone understands their roles and responsibilities as it concerns safeguarding, recognizing, identifying and responding to signs of abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns relating to children and young people.
- Ensuring appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents/concerns of abuse and support provided to the individual/s who raise or disclose the concern.
- Ensuring that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored.
- Preventing the employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals to cater for the children.
The policy and procedures will be widely promoted and are mandatory for everyone involved in LEARNING LADDER. Failure to comply with the policy and procedures will be addressed to the appropriate authorities without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/exclusion from the organization.
The policy will be reviewed as often as necessary in line with existing Lagos State Safeguarding and Child Protection regulations.
Updated this 18th day of March, 2021 for the attention of all Learning Ladder Montessori School staff and this is binding on all staff.
During the period of probation, there will be no *extra salary* for staff members who do not make it through the probationary period. In other words, peradventure a probation period is termed unsuccessful for whatever reason, management is not liable to pay *anything extra* other than the agreed salary to the staff concerned
During the period of probation, there will be no *extra salary* for staff members who do not make it through the probationary period. In other words, peradventure a probation period is termed unsuccessful for whatever reason, management is not liable to pay *anything extra* other than the agreed salary to the staff concerned
A School is only as good as its staff team; therefore, it is imperative that we work in harmony as a team, striving to always keep the child’s best interest at heart. With that goal in mind it is certain that LEARNING LADDER will continue to be a wonderful place for everyone to grow and learn, especially the children.