Ms Nancy, the School Director, sitting pretty in her office.

Thanks for your interest in
Learning Ladder Montessori School.
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LLM staff seated on a football pitch to form the letter LLM.

Learning Ladder Montessori School is a
community of children, parents, teachers and staff,
dedicated to the joyful discovery of each child’s innate
capabilities and potential.

A rare photograph of Maria Montessori

Academic knowledge is not learning as a whole.
Such as the name of the school implies “Learning Ladder” Learning indeed is a never-ending journey,
it is a lifelong process.


I have spent a lot of time over the years looking
at different educational models and best practices
and I continue to be struck by just how progressive
and effective Montessori style education really is.


Welcome to the world of a child.
It’s a world of wonder and discovery.


Academic knowledge is not learning as a whole.
Such as the name of the school implies “Learning Ladder”
Learning indeed is a never-ending journey, it is a lifelong process.


Teachers at LLM have many options,
but this is the place they have chosen to be.